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This is how we are growing Food 

As we collaborate with local businesses, internal and local non-profit organizations, you help us become rolling machines of production, we increase agricultural production, to feed the children of families and the Community in General, the funds that we receive are used for the implementation of activities that allow our automation.
What we produce in our cooperatives are valued by PVC Burundi, for the creation of values to our products.


Help us to ameliorate the community well being 


You can working with local communities to accelerate agricultural production on lands that are being restored to the landscape of Burundi, By growing Food and empowering our Members. 



Animals incubation

Most of the members of the groups have received investments of differents animals for incubation, they feed them with the leaves of the trees they plant, they also benefit from organic manures from the sources of these animals, to practice high quality agriculture.

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